Student develops Boxer App for Pacific campus

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Pacific University Information Services arrived at Strain 121 just a little too late to take notes on Boxer App, a mobile application for Pacific University students.

Ryan Newman developed the application for his 2015 senior project and the university expressed interest in purchasing it.

Boxer App features an events calendar, a personalized class schedule, a campus directory and an interactive map of campus utilizing Google Maps.

Newman focused on ease of use when designing Boxer App, because the campus website is considered difficult to navigate by many Pacific University students according to Newman’s research.

His student testers rated the application near perfect in its ease of use. Newman based the design of Boxer

App off of Google’s “material design” interface, intending to give an element of three dimensional space on the two dimensional screen.

He developed the application for Android devices despite the fact that most of his testers used Apple iOS devices.

Newman said that he used Android because it is more open to coders and allows him a higher degree of control. Additionally, posting an application in the Apple App Store costs $100.

Pacific University attemptedto enter the mobile marketplace this year with an application built through Guidebook, an application that allows you to plug information into a standardized format. The Pacific Guidebook application was only updated for the 2015 Pacesetters event and hasn’t seen significant usage since.

Newman said he would be willing to evolve the application, or even sell it, if it is picked up by Pacific University.


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