Coordinators recreate campus station

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Broadcasting from the basement of the U.C., the 2013-14 Boxer Radio station is making many changes to improve the program and create a widespread influence on campus. Junior Sterling Bax and senior Haley Rozee applied for the Boxer Radio coordinator … Continued

Hawai’i office keeps students connected

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The Hawai’i Office is working to establish themselves as a resource to family, students and alumni from Hawai’i, but also make a presence in Forest Grove. The palm leaves and plastic leis given out at the homecoming football game were … Continued

Improv readies for new season, shows

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Inspired by the 90’s show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?,” Pacific students started their own improv show and are entering their second season. Improv is a form of live theatre in which the plot, characters and even the dialogue is … Continued

New club repurposes clothing

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Students on campus now have the opportunity to be able to learn how to take old clothing and repurpose them through the Do-it-Yourself Fashion Club. While there, students will not only learn to re-fashion clothes but will also learn how … Continued

Reenactment speaks to Pacific culture

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In the late 19th century, Hawai`i was overthrown by American forces and became a territory of the United States. However, the more unknown side of this story is who led the opposition efforts and how far those efforts went. A … Continued

ARAMARK makes changes to campus dining

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ARAMARK, the company that claims “focuses on helping campuses thrive by treating employees well, caring for the earth and environment, and ensuring the health and well-being of the campus and communities in which we live, learn and work,” is the … Continued

Boxer Be Well

posted in: Opinion | 0

Are you tongue-tied when asked about your health insurance coverage?  You’re not alone. Health insurance plans are confusing for everyone!  I will do my best to help Boxers get started on this often rocky journey through health care: Have your … Continued