No SAD Days

posted in: Opinion, Top Stories | 0

With the changing of seasons and turning of leaves comes a condition many people know too well: seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects 0.5 to 3 percent of individuals in the general population: 10 to 20 percent of people with major depressive disorder and about 25 percent of people with bipolar disorder (Mental Health America).

Bon Appétit Hires Three New Members for the Management Team After Staff Departures

posted in: News, Top Stories | 0

Three Bon Appétit managers suddenly quit their positions with university dining services just after orientation, spurring the hiring of three new staff members. The former managers of General Dining, Catering, and Dining Operations left looking for a change in the work environment outside of the food industry.

Halloween Hosiery: The Rise in Sexualized Costumes

posted in: Love & Sex, Student Life | 0

Sexy Nurse. Sexy Cat. Sexy Cop. Sexy Green Poop (yes, it’s a thing). Nowadays you can find virtually any costume and its sexy counterpart. When did this start, and why? Halloween, in the traditional sense, is a night to dress up as goblins and ghouls and frighten your neighbors in the search for confectionaries and other such delights.

Intramural Sports Are Back

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

Students at Pacific University are taking advantage of intramural sports being offered once again since COVID-19. The program provides students with an opportunity to participate in a variety of sports competitively against each other. This semester there have been a total of 230 participants in the variety of intramural sports offered.