Pacific named ‘A+ option’ in rankings

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Recent rankings were published in major publications on colleges nationwide. Pacific was ranked in several of these, including the U.S. News &World Report, The Princeton Review and Forbes magazine. Considered a suburban and selective university admissions-wise by the U.S. News … Continued

PU golf team rides in style

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

As men and women’s golf has come to a close, they say goodbye to their unique transportation as well. Depending on the length they had to travel, the women and men’s golf teams would take a Raz charter bus that … Continued

Takashima looks to future

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

Kelsey Takashima is finishing up her last year playing Pacific volleyball with a bang. Last week Takashima earned the conference honor of Northwest Conference’s Volleyball Student-Athlete of the week. With 34 kills, a .391 hitting average, five service aces, seven … Continued

McHolland looks to team in playoffs

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

This season, Pacific’s volleyball team has high hopes for going to the playoffs, and sophomore Mariah McHolland does her part to achieve that goal. McHolland, who has played volleyball for eight years, said she feels lucky to be part of … Continued

Murray stays involved despite injury

posted in: Fall, Sports | 0

After winning the conference championship last season, the men’s soccer team this season is ending on a different note. The team currently has a 4-6-1 record in conference and an overall record of 4-10-1. Senior Patrick Murray has contributed to … Continued

RHA awaits student project ideas

posted in: Student Life | 0

The Residence Housing Association wants students to express their ideas by hearing what changes or improvements they would like to see in the residence halls. The process starts with filling out a proposal form. “While students have always been encouraged … Continued

Housing celebrates new study lounges

posted in: Student Life | 0

Housing and Resident Life spent the past month working to ensure students’ health and needs are maintained and met. Two rooms have been treated for bedbugs since the semester began. Students reported bites and though visual checks by Student Life … Continued